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Coletores de Impurezas e Filtros SF 1.00

Separador de impurezas para altas pressões

Características Técnicas

Conexão Flangeada: 

DN 15 - 150

Conexão Roscada:  G 3/8 - 2

Pressão Nominal:

PN 16 - 160


PN 16: até 110 ºC


PN 25 - 160: até 200 ºC


Líquidos, gases e vapor d'água







Descrição do produto

Strainers protect plant and equipment such as regulators, valves, measuring equipment against damage or operational failure caused by contamination. They are essential for start-up as well as continuous operation.
SF 1.00 is manufactured from cast iron and has a drain plug in its cover. The flat strainer mesh which is positioned perpendicular to the flow, and the straight-through flow result in a minimum pressure drop and a large sludge collecting chamber.
Cleaning is extremely simple and quick. Only the cover has to be removed for dismantelling.
Installation can be carried out in any position; installation with the cover at the bottom is recommended.


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11 4223.1500

Rua Martino de Martine, 30 - Barcelona - SCS São Paulo. CEP: 09551-060 comercial@aggerenciamento.com.br

Atendimento de Seg. a Sex., das 7h30 às 17h30. Aos Sábados das 08h às 13h