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Válvula Controladora de Pressão UV 6906

Controlada por diafragma, aplicações para baixos fluxos
Válvula Controladora de Pressão UV 6906
Válvula Controladora de Pressão UV 6906

Características Técnicas

Conexão Roscada:  G 1/4
Pressão de Entrada (P1):  0 - 20 bar g
Máx Pressão Nominal: até 50 bar g
Kvs: 0.09 m3/h
Cvs: 0.1 US gal/min ºC
Fluídos: Líquidos e gases







Descrição do produto

Self-acting back pressure regulators are simple control valves offering accurate control while being easy to install and maintain. They control the pressure upstream of the valve without requiring pneumatic or electrical control elements.

The UV 6906 backpressure regulator is a diaphragm-controlled spring-loaded proportional control valve for set pressures up to 20 bar. The especially developed Inconel X750 diaphragm lasts at least 50% longer than typical stainless steel designs. Body and spring cap are made of stainless steel (316) featuring excellent corrosion resistance. The inlet pressure to be controlled is balanced across the valve seat by the force of the valve spring (set pressure). If the inlet pressure rises above the set pressure, the valve opens. With decreasing inlet pressure the valve control orifice reduces, when the pipeline is depressurised, the valve is closed. Turning the handwheel clockwise increases the inlet pressure.


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11 4223.1500

Rua Martino de Martine, 30 - Barcelona - SCS São Paulo. CEP: 09551-060 comercial@aggerenciamento.com.br

Atendimento de Seg. a Sex., das 7h30 às 17h30. Aos Sábados das 08h às 13h