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Válvula de Venteio e Purga EB 1.48

Válvula com visor

Características Técnicas

Conexão Roscada:  G 1/2
Pressão Nominal: PN 16
Pressão de Operação:  0 - 16 bar g
Vazão: 28 Nm3/h
Temperatura: 130 ºC
Fluídos: Líquidos







Descrição do produto

Bleeding and venting valves remove air or gases from systems or pipelines without requiring an external energy input. When a system is drained they act as venting valves; venting may be prevented by fitting a non-return valve.

The bleeding and venting valves EB 1.48 are float-controlled, compact and lightweight devices for water treatment (also ozone), pipelines, fuel tanks etc. The valves are made of deep-drawn stainless steel featuring a high corrosion resistance. The valve cone is provided with a soft seal. The function can be viewed through the sight glass. The simple design makes it easy to specify, install, handle and service these valves in an industrial environment.

Please state working pressure range when enquiring or ordering.


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11 4223.1500

Rua Martino de Martine, 30 - Barcelona - SCS São Paulo. CEP: 09551-060 comercial@aggerenciamento.com.br

Atendimento de Seg. a Sex., das 7h30 às 17h30. Aos Sábados das 08h às 13h