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Válvula de Venteio e Purga EB 1.59

Válvula com quebra vácuo integrado

Características Técnicas

Conexão Flangeada:  DN 100
Pressão Nominal: PN 10
Pressão de Operação:  0 - 10 bar g
Vazão: 62 Nm3/h
Temperatura: 60 ºC
Fluídos: Líquidos







Descrição do produto

If, for instance in the case of a pump failure, much larger quantities of air are fed into the pipe, an additional vacuum breaker with a large seat diameter is integrated. EB 1.59 is therefore particularly suitable for water-technological plants subject to vacuum hazards. EB 1.59 is a float-controlled venting and bleeding system with preset vacuum bleeding, operating with spring load and cone seal. The valve seats are sealed with soft gaskets. The valve is made completely of deep-drawn stainless steel with outstanding corrosion-resistance qualities and smooth, easy-to-clean surfaces. A robust and frost-proof design for external use.

Top and bottom sections of the valve body are connected by a clamp ring and two bolts. Servicing/maintenance is easy and does not call for special tooling.

The simple design makes it easy to specify, install, handle and service these valves in an industrial environment. Valves for continuous bleeding must not be overdimensioned. If a larger valve size is selected, a higher working pressure range with a correspondingly lower flow volume should be chosen. In case of doubt we shall be happy to advise you.


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11 4223.1500

Rua Martino de Martine, 30 - Barcelona - SCS São Paulo. CEP: 09551-060 comercial@aggerenciamento.com.br

Atendimento de Seg. a Sex., das 7h30 às 17h30. Aos Sábados das 08h às 13h