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Válvula Redutora de Pressão DM 604

Válvula padrão

Características Técnicas

Conexão Flangeada:  DN 15 - 150
Pressão Nominal: PN 16 - 40
Pressão de Entrada (P1):  até 40 bar g
Pressão de Saída (P2): 0.02 - 10 bar g
Kvs: 4 - 160 m3/h
Temperatura: 250 ºC
Fluídos: Vapor d'água








Descrição do produto

Self-acting pressure reducers are simple control valves offering accurate control while being easy to install and maintain. They control the pressure downstream of the valve without requiring pneumatic or electrical control elements.
The DM 604 pressure reducing valve is a diaphragm-controlled spring-loaded proportional control valve for high temperatures and large volumes. The valve cone is fitted with a metallic seal (up to 250 °C).
The outlet pressure to be controlled is balanced across the control unit by the force of the valve spring (set pressure). As the outlet pressure rises above the pressure set using the adjusting screw, the valve cone moves towards the seat and the volume of medium is reduced. As the outlet pressure drops, the valve control orifice increases; when the pipeline is depressurised, the valve is open. Rotating the adjusting screw clockwise increases the outlet pressure.
The valves requires a sense line (to be installed on-site).
These valves are no shut-off elements ensuring a tight closing of the valve. In accordance with DIN EN 60534-4 and/or ANSI FCI 70-2 they may feature a leakage rate in closed position in compliance with the leakage classes III (metal sealing cone - 0.1 % Kvs value).


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11 4223.1500

Rua Martino de Martine, 30 - Barcelona - SCS São Paulo. CEP: 09551-060 comercial@aggerenciamento.com.br

Atendimento de Seg. a Sex., das 7h30 às 17h30. Aos Sábados das 08h às 13h